Happy New Year…and all that nonsense!


Welcome to the new year! …I suppose that is what I’m supposed to say? Today feels like any other day. I woke up and went to work. Today is nothing special for me…but I suppose the close of the previous year and the beginning of another is cause to celebrate and toast all the events that occurred in 2014 that led me here into the new year.

Where should I begin?

In my job, I had gotten used and abused by higher authority, transferred to another location against my will and without compensation, which all led to me getting promoted to the corporate level. I’m making a decent living and am appreciated for all that I do. I have few complaints about my job.

My social life has been a roller coaster of nonsense. Between losing long time friends and gaining unexpected ones, my list of trusted individuals is not what I had expected. I’m thankful for that. My separation and divorce caused stress and awkwardness with a few friends, made some friendships stronger, and others break completely. At the end of the year, I had a clear cut idea with whom my allegiances lay.

My academic life became an unexpected advancement. I had graduated in the spring of 2013 with an Associates degree. I had decided I had earned some time off from the hectic life that school at the college I attended. After long debates with various individuals, and learning that my job will reimburse me a very significant amount of my tuition, I applied to a university…and got in. Starting in just a few weeks, I will beginning my two plus year trek to receive my Bachelors. I am no longer feeling any form of dread or irritation like I had felt near the end of my Associates. I can’t wait.

I have found my current niche in the world. After feeling lost for most of my life, feeling as if I wasn’t where I was supposed to be, I finally am where I’m supposed to be. I’m significantly less stressed with life, seeing a clear cut path to my future. I can see my choices in front of me, and I feel comfortable in choosing to do what I believe is right for me. I’m no longer hesitant to make decisions and to go my own way. I still have a long way to go, but I feel as if I am finally the adult I sought to become. Today feels like any other day, probably because I don’t need the consolation of the start of a new year to feel like a new person, to reinvent myself like so many. No, I’m exactly who I want to be at the start of the bright and promising new year.